Our reason for being...One can’t just love wild and beautiful places without also participating in the efforts to save them. This is why we donate our time, services and at least 10% of our benefits to grassroots environmental groups who work along the Pyrenees mountain range to help reverse the steep decline in the overall environmental health of our planet. But sustainability means more to us, it also applies to the way we work, the way we choose our suppliers, our customers, etc.
Below are a few examples:
The first step towards sustainability is to cause no unnecessary harm.Being a service business, INTUITIV does not have to deal with major environmental or social impacts, but this does not mean our activity has no impact at all. The paper we use, the lighting of our workspaces, or the energy we need for our computers all produce environmental impacts as a by-product.
The mere existence of this website generates an impact. This is why we chose to host our web presence at FatCow, a leading provider of web hosting, domain registration and related marketing services, whose offices and data centres are 100% powered by wind energy. This might sound as a small step, but hey!… What if all our competitors would choose their suppliers the same way?
INTUITIV deliberately adopted a 100% web-based and decentralised way of working, which allows us not to have to maintain offices, while obliging us to constantly focus and invest in our people as part of the common corporate spirit we aim at infusing throughout our network. This is part of our commitment to be a people-centred business (as opposed to a capital-centred one).
As we are also aware we do not operate in a vacuum, all members of the INTUITIV network are encouraged to be active elements of their communities by volunteering and engaging with the causes that matter the most to them.
While we can do our share, we won't save the world on our own.What we can do, though, is to support those who are also working towards the same goals as we are. INTUITIV does so in two ways:
1. Choosing who we work with.
Our target customers are those actively working towards sustainability and the conservation of biodiversity. Our goal is to support them in their endeavour, so we can collectively contribute to identifying and implementing solutions to the environmental crisis. Staying true to our core values also means being selective in who we choose to support. If it doesn’t help us get closer to our objective, then why bother?
2. Supporting others.
Tenths of NGOs and civil society groups are investing countless hours in saving species and habitats along the Pyrenees. As a company based in Andorra, we deeply feel our connection to this place and our responsibility to preserve it. This is why INTUITIV gives at least 10% of its benefits every year to grassroot environmental groups who work to protect our species and ecosystems. This is more than nice words and vague promises as a specific provision in our by-laws actually turns this commitment into an obligation, whatever change might happen to the management of the company.
Over the last five years, INTUITIV has been actively supporting the Action Plan for the Conservation of the Bearded Vulture (Gypeatus barbatus) in Andorra (PACT-Andorra), joining efforts with similar plans in France and Spain and contributing to the recovery of this emblematic bird of prey, the largest in Europe.